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What services were preferred by Viva subscribers on New Year holidays?
In accordance with the world tendency of increasing Internet activity, Viva subscribers more and more often give preference to various messengers and applications, and in this respect the past holidays were not an exception.Revenue in the communications sector in 2024 increased by 2.8% to 167 billion drams
Revenue in the field of creation and broadcasting of television and radio programs, as well as telecommunication activities, amounted to 166,991.1 million drams in 2024, marking an increase of 2.8% compared to 2023.Ucom Accelerates Digital Transformation with Cerillion's Cutting Edge Convergent Platform
Continuing its digitalization ambitious efforts to enhance the customer service experience quality Ucom announces its collaboration with Cerillion, a global leader in Operational and Business Support Systems (OSS/BSS) for the telecom industry.News 1 - 20 of 7671
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